I've been watching the BBC2 show A Farmer's Life for Me over the past 7 weeks. It is about 9 would be farmers from all walks of life, all ages and all occupations. They have had one hell of a tough time, but it has all been to see if they are up to the prize which is running their own farm for a year. Jimmy Doherty has been their mentor, guide and judge.
Right from week 1 Himself and I have been shouting for the couple from Sunderland Ray and Jayne to win it, the final is on in about half an hour so I have got my fingers firmly crossed that they win.
As part of my Master Gardener duties I was at the Edible Garden Show at the National Agricultural Centre at Stoneleigh in Warwickshire on Saturday, giving away plants to get people started growing their own produce.
So you can imagine I was over the moon to actually meet Ray and Jayne who were attending the show. Himself and I got to chat to them for about half an hour - they really are as nice in person as they are on the TV. They did'nt give us any idea of how they got on, not even a hint - thye were extremely professional, but after meeting them I hope more than ever that they win, they really do deserve it, they have worked so hard at the tasks and well, they just are nice and if you are any thing like me, it would make a change for nice decent people to get a break and make their dreams come true.
Keep your fingers crossed with me and lets hope they do win !!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! They won !!!!