This beautiful grandson of mine has endured four major heart operations and four minor ops since last September when he was born. He must have spent getting on for three months in total of his one year life in Birmingham Childrens Hospital, a place I cannot praise enough for the skill and care that he has received by the consultants and other medical team members.
Charlie is the most beautiful natured little boy, always smiling and giving his nana and grandad lots and lots of cuddles. We are lucky in that he spends a lot of time with us, especially whilst Himself has been off work and at home. He is crawling and getting in to normal one year old mischief and heaven help me when he does start walking, because knowing Charlie it wont be a walk it will be a run !
Anyway, today things change somewhat. I had to go and pick Charlie up at 1.30am and he is going to be joined by his baby brother or sister probably today. Oh boy one thirteen month old and a new born........life is certainly going to be busy now ! :-]
Updates as and when....... Me and Charlie are off to make porridge !
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