Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Thank You

Some people are lovely people and some people are angels on earth. You know who you are, thank you so so much xxx


Compostwoman said...
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Anonymous said...

I hope puss has found a lovely new place to rest her paws x x x

Sue said...

I'm so glad you have found someone.

I was sorely tempted to offer us as a retirement home for your lovely sounding puss and then held back fearing that with our imminent house move and all the backwards and forwards-ing we'll be doing it would have been too much for her at that age.

So I'm really pleased she has found somewhere and I can stop feeling guilty for not offering.

Compostwoman said...

Was delighted to be able to offer your lovely puss a home. She is a delight, so friendly and clean!

Am so sad at the circumstances of getting her but we WILL look after her and give her a very good life here.

Wishing you and your family all the very best in very difficult circumstances xxx