So for me to tell him the one thing that I had found which had really cheered me up after being so fed up with other peoples lack of respect for his hard earned money was this......
Can you tell what it is?
Or this?
Let me explain. The site that he is building on used to be three old houses and their gardens. Around the perimeter of the site are many beautiful oak trees all with tree preservation orders on them. This means that they have to be sectioned off from any possible damage by the works that are going on. At the bottom of the site when I had a wander around the other evening I found an old greenhouse all smashed up, I'm guessing by the demolition crew when they moved in to clear the site. The glass is lying in bits and the remains of a couple of growbags are still visible. It made me feel really sad to see somebody else's garden treated with such little respect. Anyway as I carried on mooching about, I found treasure like you wouldn't believe ! If I had been given a thousand pounds I couldn't have been more happy
Have you worked out what the two photos are yet? No?
They are two beautifully rotted piles of compost, hidden away at the back of what had been the greenhouse.
After looking at me as though I was crazy and realising that yes, I probably am to him, he agreed that we could bag it up and bring it home for the deep beds. I am in Heaven !!
I looked at the horticultural plans for the finished site this morning as I had also found some plants and shrubs still remaining tucked away in odd places. None of them are mentioned on the finished site plans, which means that when the landscapers come to carry out the planting plan that has been agreed, many of these old plants will be oiked out and gotten rid of. If they are still here by then that is......
The remains of the greenhouse and a forsythia against the fence
We are going home for the weekend and I will be back with lots of black bags for the compost!
Lucky you. Hope you rescue some really lovely plants as well as the compost.
I remember by mum doing the same thing when I was small.
There were several bombed out house from the war over the road from Sutton Park & she used to go in there & "rescue" Roses, Hollyhocks, Foxgloves and load them into the big pram with my brother in it, Until she got stopped by the police one day.
Hereford uk
Good for you! I'm glad you rescued that perfectly good compost, and probably will rescue some of the plants. It's really sad when someone has nurtured something, and when it doesn't fit in with the new landscaping, it's just dug up and thrown out.
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