Flights are booked, we go back to the UK on Monday morning. My heart is breaking, I drove home from my son's house in tears last night having left Charlie and Lewis both screaming, "Want to go with Nana!" as we pulled off the drive way.
It had been a fraught emotional evening, Dear Daughter in Law is dreadfully homesick and is getting more and more withdrawn, Dear Son had had a really bad day at work, hates his job, is trying to study for an exam which he has to take in the next 3 weeks, is sick of travelling each day, is pissed off that we are going home and the littlies are picking up on the tensions all round, hence why they wanted to come with Nana and Grandad last night.
I spoke to both of them this morning, Son is still as angry and pissed off as he was last night and is already wound up anticipating another rough day at work. Daughter in Law is tearful and quiet, the littlies are creating havoc in the back ground.
I feel like a traitor but unless something wonderful happens on the job front today or tomorrow, we will be on that dammed flight and my heart will be breaking all the way.
My heart breaks for you. I pray that something comes up in the next day.
Oh dear - I am so sorry that all this has happened Huge hugs :-(
I'm so very sorry to read this. I hope and pray something will turn up in the nick of time (((hugs)))
Janice, many thanks xxx
Sarah, huge hug, GREATFULLY received xxx
Manchester Lass, thank you so much xx
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